Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Whose fault is this?

As we know, we actually like to blame someone for the mistakes that we are afraid to confess. If there's a problem comes to us, we sometimes don't want to admit if it was caused by us.
For example,
One day, there was a little boy who lost his toy, and his daddy asked him whether he needed his help or not. The little boy said, "I do.." and then he described what toy which was lost.
Then, the father said "Oh, lets find that toy together. I remember I put that toy in your box." But, the kid said to his father, "No Daddy, I have been already looking for it, but there's nothing..". The father said patiently, "Why don't you try to see it in your box first?" The kids was impatient, and with a bit yelling he said to his father "No I won't.. I have been already looking into the box. Why do you always displaced my stuff??!" The father got impatient and said, "Because a lot of your stuff isn't on their place, so it bothers me, and I move it up.!" The kid was worried if the toy that he borrowed from his friend lost forever, what would he said to him. So, panic and madly he said, "I don't care, just find it, I don't wanna try to search for it..!" Daddy was mad too, then, he took the toy from the box and spill out all of the toys. Some of the toys, were broken, than the kid started to cry. Daddy didn't care about it. He was mad, in his mind, he tried to help, but, the kid didn't appreciate his father's effort. When the father tried to help, the kid was yelling at him. But, the father forgot one thing, he didn't remember why that things happened. He forgot the reason why his boy was yelling at him.
Normally, Daddy just laughs when the kid yells at him. The father has good sense of humor, he lets his boy talks impolitely to him. One day, when the father was in the serious mood, the kid (who didn't know anything about his daddy's feeling) just did the same thing as usual. The father got mad, but, he didn't remember what he had already done before.
The kid cried, not because he was impolite, but because the kid didn't understand.

In the daily life, sometimes we do the same thing too, such as, blaming people, impeaching people for things that the person himself doesn't understand but we still blame them.
When you reading this story. It seems like the kids was just impolite. But, have u thing something like in the story is very common to happen in a daily life. It seems that it is our natural habit to blame someone when something bad happens, which is often caused by ourselves. We don't like if someone blames us for what we never do, but we are likely to blame others.

I've no specific idea to write the conclusion. Reader, would you mind to make your own conclusion after read this passage? Thanks before.. ^^

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