Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

I've to go..

Thanks for everything, for stay besides me till today. for loving me, and caring me.

Thanks to be patient of me, and waiting for me for that long time.
Thanks to be always honest to me, even I usually lie to you. But, believe me, it because its my own problem and I wont making u sad
Sorry for making you waiting so long.
Sorry for making you cry.
Sorry for all of bad things that I've ever done, i'm really sorry.
I'm begging you not to angry with me. That's just my last wishes for you.
Maybe I can't love you anymore, because now, I've to move on. Where I belong to be there and that way.
Because, I don't think we could be together just like before.
I'm trying to understand you, but maybe I can't, maybe I'm to selfish to try to understand about you.
Please, don't hate me.
Move on, life must go on. I don't wanna see you sad. But maybe I've done it already.
Maybe, this is the time..
I've to go. Goodbye..

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